Max Pedroza

Slack: U01D5GKM4JU

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3D Modelling/Printing, C/C++, Java, Machining, Soldering, Welding/Fabrication, Manufacturing, Print Design, Product Design, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving


Pursuing BSc in Mechanical Engineering


University of Calgary

I am currently studying a mechanical engineering BSc with a biomedical minor at the Schulich School of Engineering at the University of Calgary. Since a young age, I have been interested in understanding how systems operate and how to manipulate them to behave as desired. I would take apart broken clocks and look inside cars to see their hidden components. Therefore, I decided to study mechanical engineering. As for biomedical engineering, my interest sparked after was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Seeing equipment that could be improved made me want to better their designs so other patients, with any diagnosis, could receive better care. This challenge is the perfect opportunity to try to do just that!